Clare is an experienced Reiki Master/Teacher of Usui Reiki, and Angelic Reiki. Recently qualified as Holy Fire Reiki Master. Having practiced for over 20 years, Clare offers a variety of treatments and also teaches Reiki to Master Level.
What is Reiki?
A little background
Reiki (pronounced "ray-key" in the west) is a laying on of hands healing technique believed to be thousands of years old, but rediscovered by a Japanese Buddhist, Dr. Mikao Usui, in the late 1800s. Reiki utilises life force energy which is present in every living thing, as a means of healing. Reiki is not a religion and does not conflict with other beliefs. Although many Reiki healers develop strong spiritual beliefs, no "faith" is required to be a practitioner nor to receive treatment. Reiki is a Japanese compound word: "Rei" can be translated as "universal", "transcendental", "spiritual" or "essence"; "Ki" is translated as "life force energy" (very similar to the Chinese "chi" and Buddhist "prana"). Reiki is, therefore "universal life force energy" and Reiki treatments work on living energy systems with a focus on restoring health and balance.
This life force energy is present in every living thing. A deficiency or imbalance of this energy is associated with dis-ease and illness - on a physical, emotional and/or spiritual level.
Ever felt exhausted or energised by being in someone else's company? Or have you ever felt a boost when you have spent time in a beautiful place in nature? This can be attributed to an energetic interaction. We can feel depleted by being in surroundings, like cities, offices and sometimes our homes. Reiki offers a powerful tool to maintain our health in stressful environments. Reiki can also be effective in assisting plants and animals and in clearing energy in spaces (supporting the practice of Feng Shui and other space clearing techniques).
In people Reiki works with the human body's energy system - the "chakras" - these are key points in an energy field which support the body's healthy existence. This energy field has different layers of vibration. Each chakra is associated with a certain quality of energy, vibrating at a unique frequency, which supports the function of specific areas of our bodies both physical, emotional and spiritual. An imbalance of the energy system, an over or under stimulation of any or a combination of the chakras is associated with illness. A severe imbalance can be associated with energy blocks, stopping the healthy flow of energy around our living energy field, leading to dis-ease.
How Reiki works
Demystifying Reiki
Reiki healing focuses on restoring balance to the living energy field, through the transfer of energy via the healer to the recipient. To use an electrical analogy - Reiki practitioners are plugged in to the source of life force energy, and when carrying out healing they conduct this energy from the source to the recipient, usually emitting the energy from their hands. Safeguards are put in place during Reiki attunements to ensure that Reiki practitioners do not transfer their own energy to the recipient, and therefore their energy is not depleted by giving treatments.
The Angelic Reiki method is very powerful as the healer taps into and becomes a trasmitter for high vibrational angelic frequencies. These treatments can often be more intense than Usui Reiki treatments, and usually involve less hand movements and placements as the healer becomes simply a conduit to energy and a channel for high frequencies of energy vibration.
The Reiki practitioners role: Reiki practitioners are channels for healing energy - they have no "healing power". Reiki allows people to heal themselves. The experience for the healer is usually pleasant. What happens in a treatment?
Hands on: The Reiki healer will place their hands gently on or just above your body, and the healing energy will be transmitted. This is not a massage, and you do not need to remove clothing during a treatment. You may be asked to loosen clothing, and to remove shoes so that you will be comfortable during the healing treatment.
Distance healing: Second and Third (Master) level Reiki healers can transmit over distance, and you can receive the energy without being in the physical presence of the practitioner. This must be done with the recipients knowledge, as the recipient may feel very relaxed and calm it is important that the person receiving Reiki does not drive nor operate heavy machinery when receiving Reiki in this way. In most people's experience the hands on method is more intense than a distant healing session. The healing energy is drawn in by the recipient nevertheless and the energy transfer still takes place using the distant healing method.
Reiki treatments
What does Reiki feel like and what to expect in a treatment
The experience for the recipients of Reiki varies from person to person. Most people find it intensely relaxing, and get a deep sense of calm and well being, they may feel the Reiki energy through the hands of the practitioner in the form of increased heat or cold. Reiki is a great stress buster, deeply relaxing and soothing. Treatments work on the whole body - physical, subtle, mental and emotional. It is possible, when working on an emotional level that part of the process may bring emotions to the surface that we might have locked in to our physical - this is a natural part of the healing process. Some people feel energised by treatments, and some may feel sleepy and relaxed. Often people report that they feel like floating off the treatment couch afterwards.
Some people may experience a cleansing reaction after a deep session, such as cold symptoms. These symptoms are normally of short duration. Anyone concerned about any form of reaction to a treatment should discuss it with the Clare as part of aftercare.
What are the benefits?
It is beneficial to restore balance to the body's energy system. It is helpful in reducing stress. If you do not need Reiki, you will draw no energy during a treatment. Most people feel an energy transfer. Moreover, because Reiki treatment can work on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, it really is a holistic approach to health. We may not be aware of it, but many physical problems have an emotional cause. This extends across a range of illness, and increasingly people are coming to understand that trauma, emotional, mental and even spiritual factors can be key contributors to the causes of physical illness and dis-ease later in life. It is possible to treat the causes of illness on a variety of levels using Reiki.
Reiki and past life healing
Our knowledge about Reiki is continually developing, and one area of development is around using Reiki for past life healing. This does not involve a past life regression as a hypnotherapist might, although during a healing session recipients can become aware of images and sensations which can be attributed to past life experience. The technique is used to send healing back in time to assist in healing a variety of issues in our past which may have a residue in our current lives. Clare has utilised this technique with clients, linking intuitively with genealogical research and flower essences, if you are interested in ancestral healing please mentioned this when you contact Clare.
Learn Reiki
Clare offers training and attunements to Reiki
Reiki is taught in 3 stages - referred to as "degrees" (not to be confused with an academic degree). The teachers of Reiki are referred to as "Masters", they are people who have received all three degrees of training, and are equipped to pass on "attunements" to other people. Each stage in the process of teaching Reiki involves an "attunements", by which the recipient is given access to the source of Reiki energy and techniques necessary to be able to perform Reiki treatments.
A Reiki attunement allows the body's energy centres to collect external energy from the environment and channel this to the recipient. The attunement initiates the Reiki practitioner, by opening up the chakras to receive Ki energy and to transmit it to others. The attunement can also involve an increased psychic sensitivity, and a raising of spiritual consciousness. These are invaluable to assist with Reiki treatments, and the personal development of the practitioner. Once attuned to carry out Reiki you will not lose this ability, although if not practiced regularly the intensity of the energy that you access can diminish. It is therefore important to practice Reiki treatments and regular self-healing (daily if possible) in order to continue learning about the Reiki process - especially if it is intended that you will practice Reiki with others.
The first degree - the healer is given access to the source of Reiki and ability to channel healing energy. Most courses will also offer the opportunity to practice using this new skill.
The second degree - the healer is given a further attunement and the tools to be able to focus energy on an emotional, mental and physical level, and the tools to be able to utilise the distance healing technique. The second degree healer is fully equipped to carry out Reiki treatments on others.
The third degree "Master" level - the healer is given the tools to focus energy on a spiritual level and is taught how to attune others. The step to become a Reiki Master is not a step to be taken lightly. It involves a life commitment.
Many people experience a "cleansing" reaction linked to the attunement process. It is important to discuss any "cleansing" reaction with your Reiki Master. It is also one of the valuable things about having a support structure after attunement - where practitioners can receive support and Reiki themselves.
If you are interested in becoming a Reiki practitioner, contact Clare to talk about receiving an attunement.