Clare has been involved with the practice of Spiritdance since September 2020.
She says:
'Spiritdance sessions developed and run by Andrea Jackson of Radiant Woman helped me through tough times during the pandemic in 2020-1'
Clare has been leading sessions online since May 2021, and offers bookings for her own sessions online and in person.
About Spiritdance
Spiritdance is a practice and format developed by Andrea Jackson of Radiant Woman. Sessions are held in sacred safe spaces, and include elements of grounding, intention setting, cacao ceremony, readings, and a practice of freestyle dance with eyes closed or covered, followed by reflection and sharing. Spiritdance offers us deep connection to ourselves, a key to expressing through physical movement, and a vehicle for deep self exploration and growth.
They are usually offered as women's circles, but can be open to men by prior arrangement.
Email Clare: SingwithClare@outlook.com
to join her mailing list for Spiritdance opportunties in the pipeline.